I'm getting quite a collection. Not surprisingly, the older I get, the more I acquire. We all have these little cards. Some actually mean something. Most I take because I'd probably seem like a douche bag if I didn't. To me, most of it is clutter.
As a child, in religion class, we were taught that it was sacrilegious to throw away, deface, disrespect, or do anything other than respect and protect anything with the likeness of God. So what does one do with these useless little cards? I throw mine in a box. I recently went through them and tossed some in the trash. No guilt. The people those cards represent are gone. It's not like I display the cards. I don't ever even look at them. Heck, some of those people I rarely even think about anymore. I just know that there is a box on my shelf that takes up space--clutter.
Some of those cards are gone. I kept the ones with the most meaning--the closest or most special friends and relatives. I have to admit it kinda sucks about the ones with the person's photo on it. I think it'll take more time to let those go. Some I keep so that I remember the dates the person lived. I guess those sections in the bible for the family tree actually do serve a purpose.
The actual religious items are not the only things that I am de-cluttering. My whole mindset about religion is overdue for a round of de-cluttering. There are some things that I'm having a hard time letting go of. I think this is especially so because of the time of year. Everything is about CHRISTmas--the music, the decorations, the greeting cards. If Christmas was JUST about a tree and Santa, then it probably wouldn't be a holiday. It would be about the same as Halloween--a fun day for the kids. At any rate, I'll continue to enjoy Christmas, even if it includes religious references. Even kids who no longer believe in Santa still maintain a fondness for the guy well into adulthood. Yes, Christmas will be a hard thing to declutter.
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