This poem was in the printed memorial for my friend, Jim, who died unexpectedly at age 39. He was one of the good ones.
I have seen several young, tragic deaths in my life, and I am not comforted by the belief that "God needed a good one up in heaven," or that "God needed an angel in heaven to look out for [you]." Bull. Shit. And why make people suffer so much before whisking them away to heaven to relieve them from their pain?
As a Christian, I would be pissed, not only at God, but at the priests and ministers who throw this crap at us to try to minimize the fact that God is a major bastard for taking the people I love.
If this comforts people in their time of loss and keeps them from going ape-shit crazy, then so be it.
In my mind, there is no God. Jim was unlucky.
I'm sad.
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