One of my earliest memories of my Catholic experience was attending mass when I was about six years old. Back then the girls had to wear little doilies on their heads, and we always wore nice dresses. When the collection basket came around, I dutifully put my envelope in. I can still picture that cute, miniature, manilla envelope. When I looked down, I found another kid's envelope on the floor so I picked it up and kept it. I think it had two quarters in it. Of course that was a sin, and my parents made sure I knew how bad that was and I had to put it in the collection basket the following week after a lecture on the evils of stealing. I couldn't tell you anything else about mass at that age. It was a blur.

The priest was Monsignor Cavallucci, and I can still remember the sound of his voice. Is that scary or what?
(Photo from www.holysaviour.com)
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