I read an article from www.exchristian.net stating that based on a survey conducted by the University of Minnesota, Atheists are the most hated people in America.
That's kinda scary for me to think that people won't like me because I don't believe in deities. I am not a bad person. In fact, I'm a pretty darn GOOD person. I think I lead a good life, I'm kind to others, and I work hard. How can someone hate me?
I sometimes wonder why I'm so concerned with people knowing where I stand with religion. I really could just ignore religion all together and play whatever role I need to in a particular situation. I could attend a Christian mass and robotically recite the prayers. I could walk to the front of the church to receive Holy Communion. I could dip my fingertips into the Holy Water and bless myself on my way out. Nobody would know. The thing is, I don't think it's fair for me to "pretend" and go through the motions while there are all these people who are strong in their Christian faith and honest and passionate about it. I would feel like I am being disrespectful. So when I'm in a church, I don't recite the prayers, and I don't partake in the sharing of bread and wine. I am there to support the people I love, not the religion.
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