Inside the sanctuary of Holy Saviour Church
(Photo from www.holysaviour.com)
(Photo from www.holysaviour.com)
As a young child, the church I attended catered more to the Italians in the community, and being half Italian, I felt like I fit in. Back then, the entire family went to church together, but the little kids sat in a section front and center. We behaved because we were probably afraid not to. Sundays felt special. After church we'd go back home where our pop-pop would make spaghetti and homemade meatballs. I remember helping to roll the meatballs, and our dad would let us make tiny ones that we could eat after they were fried. Pop-pop also made special pasta dishes and homemade ravioli. He was an amazing cook! That was a very brief blip in my life that felt really good. I wish my children could have experienced that just once.
I still have thoughts about that first church I attended. Holy Saviour Parish in Norristown was huge and very ornate. I looked up photos online and it really took me back. I remember all the statues. They were large, colorful, and told stories. Catholic masses were really, really boring. I remember staring at those statues and getting totally lost in them. I didn't know what the stories were behind them. I only knew they were pretty... and much more interesting that the mass itself. I don't think I've ever attended a church that beautiful and rich with artwork.
I think families who remain with their church throughout their lives are pretty lucky. We moved around quite a bit, and I was a member of several churches. I think I sorta lost something along the way. Of course, we were no longer attending mass as a family. It was our Sunday duty to go to church.
Religious groups congregate in some form. What about Atheists? Where do they belong?
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